Author Guidelines

In general, the structure of writing scientific articles in the EDUCARE Journal: Journal of Primary Education must follow the procedure below:

The Title Should Be Simple, Concise and Informative in Sentence Case Format (Font Time New Roman 16, spasi 1)

Author one 1, Author two 2, Author three3 (Goudy Old Style 14)
2Institution, (Time New Roman 11, spasi 1)

ABSTRACT (Time New Roman 12, Spasi 1)

The abstract is written in English, typed in one paragraph, single-spaced, and a maximum of 250 words. It contains a general description of the research results, including research methods and findings, and describes the contribution of the research to the development of science in elementary education.

Keywords: Keyword One; Keyword Two; Keyword Three (max. five keywords)

INTRODUCTION (Time New Roman 12, Bold, Spasi 1)

Authors need to pay attention when making the introduction. In this section, EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education requires authors to organize the introduction into four paragraphs as follows:
First paragraph: Explain the problem or the reasons why the research is important, a maximum of 160 words.
Second paragraph: Explain the trend map and categorization of previous research (for example, 3-4 maps/large groups), as well as explain aspects or dimensions that have not been studied in the research. Maximum 160 words.
Third paragraph: Explain the purpose of the research, namely filling the gap or empty space (research gap) that has not been filled by previous researchers. It should be a maximum of 160 words.
Fourth paragraph: explains the argument to be proven (for qualitative research) or the hypothesis to be tested (for quantitative research), maximum of 160 words. (The writing format used is Times New Roman size 12 with one spacing).

RESEARCH METHODS (Time New Roman 12, Bold, Spasi 1)

This section explains the research methods used, such as (1) research approach and type, (2) Research Design, (2) population and sample (research objectives), (3) data collection techniques and instrument development, (4) and research data analysis techniques. If there is a statistical formula that the author uses as part of the research method, then the general procedure used should not be written. This strategy section explains if the researcher sets certain conditions for collecting and analyzing research data. Authors are advised to submit reference sources for the methods used. (Times New Roman 12, Space 1)


This section contains research results obtained by researchers in the field. Research results can be presented as tables, pictures, and graphs. For qualitative research, the results section contains a detailed section in the form of subtopics that are directly related to the research focus and category. (Time New Roman 12, Space 1)

DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS (Time New Roman 12, Bold, Spasi 1)

Discussion of findings needs to be done by the author to review the findings that have been explained in the points of the research findings paragraph. EDUCARE: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar suggests that authors pay attention to several essential things in conducting research discussing findings as follows: (1) discussion of previous findings that are critically reviewed based on the opinions of experts or figures relevant to the research topic; (2) interpreting findings with critical analysis; (3) connecting research findings with existing knowledge structures; and (4) the emergence of new theories or novelties from the research discussed.
EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education strongly recommends the results and discussion in the form below by adapting the research findings that have been conducted;
Discussion of the 1st focus finding/problem formulation subpoint contains 2-3 paragraphs
Discussion of the 2nd focus finding/problem formulation subpoint contains 2-3 paragraphs
Discussion of the 3rd focus finding/problem formulation subpoint contains 2-3 paragraphs (Time New Roman 12, Space 1)

CONCLUSIONS (Time New Roman 12, Bold, Spasi 1)

The conclusion is a solid and clear synthetic formulation based on the research results that describe the entire research. EDUCARE: The Journal of Primary Education strongly recommends that the conclusion consist of two paragraphs as follows:
The first paragraph contains a significant, clear, and strong synthesis of the entire research connected to the research objectives.
The second paragraph contains theoretical implications for the field of science being studied, practical implications, and recommendations for further research. (Time New Roman 12, Space 1).

Reference source writing Model using Innote

Reference citations use Innotes, which refers to the APA (American Psychological Association Style) format. References in articles use the Innote model by prioritizing the novelty of the reference source and paying attention to the specifics of the reference in question, such as books (Muhaimin, 2008), journal articles (Nursalim & Verdianto, 2020), articles on websites/internet) (Mu'ti, 2021), articles in mass media, magazines, or newspapers (Margianto, 2021).


The bibliography is a list of books or other sources of reference that underlies or is considered in preparing scientific articles in EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education. The bibliography is based on the APA (American Psychological Association Style). Articles have ten or more new references, and 60% are journals. Most of the references are cutting-edge research from the last five years. Examples are as follows:

Muhaimin. (2008). Paradigma Pendidikan Islam Upaya mengefektifkan pendidikan Agama Islam di Sekolah. Bandung. Remaja Rosdakarya.
Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M., & Saldana, J. (2014). Qualitative Data Analysis, A Methods Sourcebook. Sage Publications.
Nasikhin, N., Raaharjo, R., & Nasikhin, N. (2022). Moderasi Beragama Nahdlatul Ulama Dan Muhammadiyah Dalam Konsep Islam Nusantara Dan Islam Berkemajuan. Islamic Review: Jurnal Riset Dan Kajian Keislaman, 11(1), 19–34.
Nursalim, A., & Verdianto, N. (2020). Dinamika Pengembangan Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam di Madrasah: Studi Perbandingan Penerapan Subject Centered Curriculum di Kabupaten Bekasi. Attaqwa: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam, 16(2), 173–187.
Mu’ti, A. (2021). Peran Penting Muhammadiyah Dalam Pendidikan Di Tanah Air. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, December 12.
Margianto, H. (2021). Waspada, Radikalisme Sasar Generasi Muda Indonesia.


For complete information on writing on EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education, see here Tempalte Juornal 


This work is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).

EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education
Published by Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq State Islamic University of Jember, East Java, Indonesia