Peer Review Proces

All manuscripts submitted to EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education must adhere to the journal's focus, scope, and author guidelines. Submitted manuscripts must discuss scientific benefits or novelty that align with the journal's focus and scope. All manuscripts must be free from plagiarism. Authors are encouraged to use plagiarism detection software to check for similarity. The editorial team uses Plagiarism Checker software to examine plagiarism detection in articles submitted to this journal.
Research articles submitted to this journal will undergo peer review by at least two (2) or more expert reviewers. Articles will be sent to peer reviewers for a Double-Blind Peer Review process and returned to the authors for revision. Reviewers provide valuable scientific comments to improve the manuscript's content. All manuscripts are subject to peer review, and authors can expect a decision or an explanation for any delays within two months of submission. The corresponding author must submit the revised manuscript within two weeks if revisions are requested. The Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision based on information obtained through the peer review process.
As the publication ethics outlines, journal management ensures that reviewed manuscripts are treated confidentially before publication.
The editor will make the final decision on article acceptance based on reviewers' comments. The editor-in-chief will determine the publication of accepted articles, including their order of appearance, considering the order of acceptance date, the geographical distribution of authors, and thematic issues.


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EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education
Published by Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq State Islamic University of Jember, East Java, Indonesia