Improving Student Learning Outcomes through Implementation Diorama Media Based on Problem Based Learning


  •   Luluk Zazilatul Choiroh  Universitas Jember,  Indonesia
  •   Peni Catur Renaningtyas  Universitas PGRI Argopuro Jember,  Indonesia
  •   Sudarti Sudarti  Universitas Jember,  Indonesia
  •   Rusdhianti Wuryaningrum  Universitas Jember,  Indonesia



Learning Outcomes, Problem Based Learning, Dioramas, Elementary School


This research explores the effectiveness of the implementation of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) based diorama media in improving student learning outcomes on material on agricultural products from ASEAN countries in class VI of Pasrujambe 08 State Elementary School. This Classroom Action Research (PTK) was carried out in two cycles, each each includes the stages of planning, implementing actions, observing and reflecting. The research results showed a significant increase in student learning outcomes: classical completion increased from 40% in pre-cycle to 60% in cycle I, and reached 80% in cycle II. The implementation of PBL-based dioramas has proven effective in increasing students' understanding of the types of agricultural products in ASEAN countries, as well as developing critical and collaborative thinking skills. This research makes an important contribution to the educational literature by offering practical guidance for teachers in creating more engaging and interactive learning.


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How to Cite

Choiroh, L. Z., Renaningtyas, P. C., Sudarti, S., & Wuryaningrum, R. (2024). Improving Student Learning Outcomes through Implementation Diorama Media Based on Problem Based Learning. EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education, 5(1), 47–60.

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